Investing can give you financial security and peace of mind, but if you’re a beginner, it can be confusing. Learn the basics of investing and you’ll have an easier time getting started. First of all, make sure you’re debt-free. High interest debt will cost you the most money in compound interest over time. After you’ve paid off debt, you’ll be much more comfortable investing. A beginner’s investment strategy should focus on companies that have been…
"Investing For Beginners"Category: Investment
When reviewing your investment reports, make sure to look for these three key elements: the name of the report, the dates the report was generated, and the return on investment. These three elements should be in a report for every investment account. The first is the name, and the second is the date range. Investment reports are also helpful when deciding whether to sell a security. The first two aspects should be obvious. The last…
"Three Elements of Investment Reports"
Keyport Venture Advisors Explains the Benefits for Businesses to Raising Private Equity Money Instead of Going Public
Keyport Venture Advisors and John LoPinto are co-founders of a private equity fund and stock brokerage business. One of the key ways that they help individuals is by helping them to invest in private companies, rather than investing in companies that are going public. There are many benefits for both investors and businesses by raising money privately, rather than taking the company public. Read on to learn more about the benefits for businesses that decide…
"Keyport Venture Advisors Explains the Benefits for Businesses to Raising Private Equity Money Instead of Going Public"The basic definition of investing is to invest is to put money into an investment with the hope of a return/profit in the near or distant future. Simply put, to invest simply means buying an asset with the purpose of making money from the investment or the increase of the value of that asset over a defined period of time. In order for us to have a clear understanding of this we need to have…
"Types Of Investments And Their Advantages"To call yourself an investor would be an understatement. Investing refers to the purchasing of financial securities with the intent of creating a future gain / return. Simply put, to invest simply means buying an asset or something with the intention of creating an increase in your net worth / asset value over a specified period of time or an appreciation of the asset that is the appreciated value of that asset. It is a…
"Investing Basics – How To Create A Secure Wealth Environment"The term investment refers to any of various forms of borrowing money that one can use to purchase goods or services in the future for a fixed term, usually years. Investment can take many forms, including saving for retirement, making an initial purchase of shares in a business, purchasing real estate, paying off an existing mortgage, funding education, or creating wealth through savings or inheritance. As you can see, there are many potential uses for…
"Different Ways Of Investing Money"To invest in real estate is to commit money with an expectation of a return/profit in the near future. Simply put, to invest in real estate means purchasing an asset with the intention of making a profit from the appreciation or increase in the market value of that asset over a given period of time. The profit or gain made from the real estate investment will be dependent on three factors; your knowledge, the duration…
"Investing – Types of Investments"To understand investment means that you have bought something or an asset with the intention of making money from it in the future for a reward or some other reason. For most people investing in a business means buying shares and making a profit when the market goes up. If the market goes down they lose out. It is an interesting way of looking at investment as the returns are almost always in excess of…
"Investing For Income – Types of Investments to Consider For Generating Income"To make an investment, is to put money into an investment with the hope of obtaining a return/profit in the near future. Simply put, to make an investment means purchasing an asset with the hopes of making a profit from that investment or the accumulation of an appreciated asset over an extended period of time. With some investments, the profit can be immediate and dramatic, but with others, such as bonds, real estate and the…
"Choosing Between Different Types of Investments"